Follow this page for recent CRUISE JOB POSTINGS, career events, and upcoming job interviews. Cruise lines are always looking for qualified crew. There are over 120 new ships to be built between 2020 and 2027 which means cruise lines will need to hire plenty of crew to fill all those cruise ship jobs.
How to Apply for Cruise Jobs
How to apply for cruise ship jobs, depends on the cruise line. While most of the cruise lines encourage applicants to apply online through their websites, many of them use a network of authorized hiring partners to assist with their recruitment needs as well. Some advertise their job openings on their employment pages and through their hiring partners, while others use LinkedIn.
Get to know what types of cruise ship jobs there are as well as the qualifications required to get hired. Now is the time to get your resume ready, and start applying. Although this page will list some of the Cruise Job Postings available, we’ll also let you know when there are events or interviews that you can attend.
Cruise Ship Auditions
Throughout the year many of the major cruise lines hold auditions for their production shows as well as auditions for other entertainment positions. Alternatively, some cruise lines use casting agencies to recruit crew for entertainment cruise ship jobs.
Here are some current CRUISE SHIP AUDITIONS and links to how to apply for cruise jobs in entertainment.