Based in Germany, Phoenix Reisen is a travel agency that also operates a fleet of ocean-going and river cruise vessels. They operate four older cruise ships, MS Amadea, MS Artania, MS Amera, and MS Deutschland. They use a selection of agencies to recruit their onboard personnel.
How to Apply for Cruise Ship Jobs
Their positions include nautical officers and crew as well as hotel and catering staff. They also employ tour guides, videographers, and spa staff. Phoenix Reisen works with crew management companies and concessionaires for the recruiting and staffing of their vessels. Send your application directly to the contacts listed below, depending on the job you want to apply for.
Cruise Line Website (German): Phoenix Reisen
Employment Pages (German): Jobs auf unseren Schiffen
Tour Guide: DER Touristik Destination Service AG
E-mail: [email protected]
Artists / Entertainment: DER Touristik Destination Service AG
Email: [email protected]
Nautical staff: Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (Cyprus) Ltd
Email: [email protected]
Application Portal: BS Ship Management
Hotel and Service Areas: Sea Chefs
E-mail: [email protected]
Online Application: www.seachefs.com/Phoenix
Video Production: CruiseVision
Email: [email protected]
If you are interested in working on a riverboat in the nautical area or in the service, contact the respective shipping company of the ship directly (shipping company in the respective detailed description of the ship under Technical data).
Updated: May 29, 2021