Currently Celebrity Cruises has 14 ships in operation with ships due to be delivered in 2022, 2023, and 2024. Here is a list of their current and future fleet along with the date they were built:
Celebrity Millennium (2000)
Celebrity Infinity (2001)
Celebrity Summit (2001)
Celebrity Constellation (2002)
Celebrity Solstice (2008)
Celebrity Equinox (2009)
Celebrity Eclipse (2010)
Celebrity Silhouette (2011)
Celebrity Reflection (2012)
Celebrity Edge (2018)
Celebrity Apex (2020)
Celebrity Beyond (2022)
TBA (Fall 2023)
TBA (Fall 2025)
Expedition Ships
Celebrity Expedition (2001)
Celebrity Xploration (2017)
Celebrity Flora (2019)
For information on cruise ship jobs on how to apply, read Celebrity Cruises Jobs.
Updated: November 1, 2021