Astro Ocean Cruises currently has nearly 100 job listings on their recruitment partner’s website, many with a joining date of November 1, 2020. They are recruiting for a variety of cruise ship jobs for their cruise ship, Piano Land.
Cruise Ship Jobs on Piano Land
Astro Ocean Cruises is a Chinese cruise line that operates one cruise ship, Piano Land. The vessel sails with Chinese National guests onboard, with an international crew operating in Chinese waters. Although a restart date has not been announced for the cruise line to sail with passengers, their recruitment partner, V. Ships / V. Crew continues to recruit for cruise ship jobs.
There are around 25 job listings for deck and technical positions that they are currently recruiting for. Jobs include 1st Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 2nd Officer, Able Seaman, A/C Engineer, Bosun, Motorman, Plumber, and Fitter Mechanic.
There are also around 60 other types of cruise ship jobs they are recruiting for including Housekeeper, Chef, Cook, Bartenders, Waiters, and Steward. They also have postings for Desktop Publisher, Crew Coordinator, Crew Utility, Galley Attendant, F&B Manager, Hotel Secretary, Entertainment Stage Staff, and many others.
How to Apply for Astro Ocean Cruises Jobs
Astro Ocean Cruises is a joint venture between CTS (China National Travel Service Group) and COSCO Shipping (China Ocean Shipping), with V. Ships as the vessel manager. V. Group is a leading global maritime agency representing more than 300 client businesses with a pool of 44,000 active seafarers on about 1,000 vessels. Use the V. Ships Crew job search page to find apply online. (Note: Twinkle Travel Cruise Company Limited is also a joint-venture cruise company set up by CTS and COSCO Shipping and they are listed in the “Company/Ship Owner” box) .
Updated: October 2, 2020