Nicko Cruises operates 25 cruise vessels, mostly river, but a couple of ocean-going cruise ships as well. This cruise brand operates under the Mystic Invest Holding umbrella.
Facts About Nicko Cruises
In July 2015, Nicko Cruises (formerly Nicko Tours) was bought by Mystic Invest after Nicko Cruises had filed for bankruptcy in 2013. Mystic Invest also operates the brands Douro Azul and Mystic Cruises. Mystic Invest kept the name Nicko Cruises and founded it as a German subsidiary.
The new German-based Nicko Cruises now operates more than 23 river cruise vessels and two ocean-going vessels on the Danube, Seine, Nile, Rhine, Mekong, Elbe, Douro, and Yangtze.
Website: Nicko Cruises Employment Pages: Jobs und Karriere Employment Pages: River Advice Employment Pages: Mystic Invest Job Openings E-Mail: [email protected]
Updated: November 7, 2021